Warm-hearted city for urban living, Yogyakarta
March 2019
Yogyakarta, one of the most-visited destinations in Indonesia after Bali. The city is well-known not only for its beautiful culture but also for great people around. Well, it’s true. I and my fellows just spent a short weekend getaway there. Why Yogyakarta? Yes, we were planning to enjoy its nature along with its flavourful culinary. But instead I witnessed and snapped how local behave and interact with their surroundings.
Inspiration can come from anywhere, even from the unexpected triggers. Being a UX or design researcher, I need to immerse in users’ environment and be part of them. During my vacation, meeting and interacting with new people (locals) could be one of source of inspirations.
Inspiration can come from anywhere, even from the unexpected triggers. Being a UX or design researcher, I need to immerse in users’ environment and be part of them. During my vacation, meeting and interacting with new people (locals) could be one of source of inspirations.
People and their personal goods.


Night life in Malioboro Street.